The death of gojo saturo
Gojo's Death
Gojo's abilities
Gojo is considered as one of the most powerful character in jujutsu kaisen. He is considered so powerful that when he was born the balance of power shifted. This is because the curse energy automatically stabilise itself. Gojo had two kinds of power first one is his six eyes through which he can notice any minor detail at atomic level and the second is his infinity which make him completely untouchable the infinity is further divided into
1. Blue
2. Red
3. Purple
Blue functions in a way that it attracts everything around causing everything to be absorbed just like a black hole
Red functions in a way that it repels everything
The hollow purple:
The hollow purple functions in a way that it exterminates the existence of anything which comes in contact with it is a mixture of red and blue
Domain expansion
Domain expansion is considered as one of the most important aspect of jujutsu kaisen. It is considered as one of the most powerful technique of curse users. The domain expansion of gojo saturo is quite unique as it fills the brain of person with so much information that they cannot process and they ultimately die
Gojo Vs sukuna
In the fight between gojo and sukuna we have seen that at the beginning sukuna was overwhelmed by gojo even after using ten shadows techniques sukuna was being overwhelmed. The king of curses sukuna used
Mahoraga as manual to see how he can bypass gojo's infinity and soon he came by an attack which cut through the existence itself. After being attacked by gojo's purple it seemed that sukuna had been defeated but the beginning of new chapter showed that gojo had been cut in half as sukuna used mahoraga's attack as manual and cut through gojo's infinity slicing him in half
Gojo's comeback
Many people are making assumptions that gojo might make a comeback.
I hope you find this article interesting
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