"The Top 10 Anime of All Time: A Definitive List"
10. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
9.Death Note
why is death note the best anime ever?
I might not say that death note, is the best anime ever, but surely it's one of the most awesome anime out there. Everyone's choice varies.
Coming to your point of view , “Why Death Note Is The Best Anime Ever”
- It was released in the year 2006, at that time period there was no match for its same kind of genre, although code geass was also grossing over the place.
- People prefered death note over code geass as death note had only one season , and code geass had two seasons. As we know people don't like to wait.
- The plot, the game plan, charecters, the twists ,etc had set it apart and had declared itself as the flagship anime of the year.
- As the years passed, there was a hype for it, and till now it is. As for whenever a new viewer asks for suggestions for anime, DEATH NOTE, is always there in the list. Making it way more popular.
But as for now, in the present era there are lots of anime which surpass death note in many ways.
I can definitely agree , that it's was the Best in its class at its era.
Probably the biggest reason is that it is not a children’s anime.
Dr Tenma and Johan Liebert are not competing on who will be “The Best” or “The Most Powerful” and they are not traveling around Europe collecting powers, magical objects, or pets to use in anime fighting tournaments.
It is a serious mystery story.
It is also not an action story, a comedy, or romance.
There is also no fan service.
Another reason is that it is from the mid-2000s and there are many people who won’t watch anything “old.”
7. Attack on titan
t has all emotions friendship , heroism, horror, cruelty, action, family, war, politics, fantasy and many more. action and fight scenes are fantastic. Every character has equal importance. Eren's character development is marvelous . Levi's character is unforgettable.For me it is one of the greatest anime show ever made.
why Eren is one of best antagonist ?
Eren isn't an antagonist. No one in AoT is. There is no objectivity, really.
The one you think is an antagonist may be a protagonist in someone else's eyes. This is the beauty of AoT.
A protagonist is a character whom the story revolves around. He doesn't have to be good, nor does he have to be bad. He just needs to be the center point of the story, as far as characters are concerned. An antagonist is a character who opposes the protagonist, constantly challenging him and making his adventure more difficult. Eren acts very violently after the time skip, but that doesn't make him the antagonist, as the story still revolves around his fight for freedom.
Now, with all that said, you have the final say in this. I told you why I don't consider Eren an antagonist, but you are free to continue to believe that he actually is one.
6.Demon slayer
Amazing Animation.
Storyline that is Interesting:.
Having a profound emotional impact.
Rememberable foes include.
Unique Swordsmanship Styles:.
Fantastic Soundtrack.
How did demon slayer ended up getting such amazing animation?
The studio Ufotable; who does the animation for kimetsu no yaiba(demon slayer) CAN DO ANYTHING.
They make amazing CGI and insert it at the most appropriate of times, avoided paying taxes, and famously animated the fate franchise.
Now I am not saying they can continue avoid paying taxes but… at the VERY least we can say the company is multi talented
5.Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure is totally different from the above 3 mainstream anime.
Still it is popular among the fans due to some following reasons.
Arc: It has divided into 8 arcs with a generation gap.
2. Story:
It was started with the Rivalry of Two Powerful Families (Joestar and Brando) and they have their own followers throughout the World.
3. Fighting Style:
First Two Arcs had somewhat similar fighting style with that of Mainstream but the introduction of stands from the third arc has changed the concept.
4. Character Development:
The CD of this series is steady and mature.
5. Adventures:
It has got a load of Action thrilling adventures.
Some might say it is just like Naruto and some might say it is different. But let me tell you that the basic idea or you can say the basic things about the main characters are same in some manner. Like both are driven by a similar goal attaining the top and respected position of their village, the way their family conditions are and such. I'm not saying they are same but similar.
But the world, it's superpowers and adventures are totally different. That gives you the satisfaction of watching something new. And you can observe the main character become stronger by overcoming his problems. And that is satisfactory too.
So overall, yes it is worth watching if you liked Naruto. But it's gonna be long at least a 100 episodes.
3. Bleach
A teenager becomes a soul reaper. Ok, so it doesn't push the envelope completely- teenagers with superpowers are not exactly the newest idea in the world but there is a reason for that. So far (in my long life) I have only met one guy who didn't want superpowers when he was young- that guy dreamed of being an accountant... Teenagers and superpowers go together like cheese and bacon. “Bleach” takes it to the next level, combining fantasy and wish fulfillment with mythology and original interpretation. The story basically gives you a working model of what could happen after death- a fairly important questions that occasionally keeps people up at night. What more could you want?
2. The characters are well developed
Ok, so we've got a teen with superpowers- a lot of the time they tend to be really annoying (and dumb...and petty.) Ichigo is different- he isn't a cookie mold character and neither are his allies or the villains they face. Ichigo could see dead people even before he became a ripper. He'd dealt with something unusual his entire life and instead developing a “precious little snowflake” complex it made him bad-ass. As a protagonist he is strong yet works well with others. He has a keen sense of justice yet still sees the gray in the world and keeps a level head instead of getting overly emotional. He is somebody you could rely on, somebody who'd watch your back.

3. Awesome fight scenes
Ok, so action sequences are not the most important thing ever... who am I kidding? Well made fight scenes can make or break an anime (or a movie...or anything. Because fight scenes are awesome and they matter.) 'Hang on, lots of anime have awesome fight scenes...remember that bit in...?' I know and yes, they do. What makes the battles in “Bleach” awesome is that the characters don't tend to feel overpowered and each one has a particular fighting style- even if you blurred them to the point where you couldn’t distinguish them by their features, their unique fighting styles will let you figure out who is who. And they are stylistically gorgeous to boot.
Bleach will make you laugh, cry, want to curl up into a ball and jump up and down with happiness- often at the same time. It has heart- while the story encompasses the world in general at its core it is a story about fighting for the people you love. Ichigo fights to protect his family and friends and those relationships, their ups and downs tug at the heartstrings. You start to deeply care about what happens to everyone- they come to life and can at times be as real as the people you meet on the street yet with better abilities and more elaborate histories. It has that vividness that makes anime so special
2. Dragon ball
Is dragon ball the greatest series ever?
1. Naruto
The emotional attachment this one character gives us is incredible. Kishimoto gets us hooked on to his struggles and humiliations while adding subtle humors that keep us entertained
From there on, it's just a roller coaster of emotions.
The one whom we thought was a bad ass villain and wanted more than ever for him to be dead, turned out to be a shadow hero and had us change our entire belief on him just with one truth that we didn't see coming.
The one whom we thought was just a pervert and not that strong and probably a side character ended up giving his life for the village in the most heroic way possible.Strike number 2
And of course, the main point of Naruto, his friendship with Sasuke.
We all knew this would happen in the end. After all Naruto was the protagonist and no matter what he would gain the friendship of Sasuke. But still kishimoto made us feel. I was surprised. How can he make us feel something we knew was coming.Thats when the last fight came. The contrasting scenes between childhood and present, the dialogue, Naruto's desparate attempts to bring back sasuke, Sasuke's desparate attempt to kill Naruto and go back to darkenss, Sakura trying her level best as always to help Sasuke, Kakashi being helpless seeing his 2 students fight till death, I could go on and on. End up losing an arm both of them. That one drop of tear that Sasuke let's kill us like anything. This is all Kishimoto at his best.
The fillers can be annoying for an average viewer and those who want only the main story and for it to move fast, but if you look at the fillers alone , they are also good though they messed with the timing of those episodes.
Coming to the story, it is shockingly deep as we can describe the plot in a few words. But you need to have a bit more knowledge and watch all the fillers to gain full background of all characters. I wouldn't say Naruto is perfect, but again, nothing is perfect ever and Naruto hits us hard at the right places. That's why it's a good anime
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