11 Ways Dragon Ball Would have been Different If Goku died


11 Ways Dragon Ball Would  have been Different IF Goku had Died.



Picolo Becomes Gohan's Guardian

Goku’s first passing is very early into Gohan’s life when he’s still just an impressionable child. Goku’s death coincides with the announcement that more Saiyans will arrive on Earth, which leads to Piccolo stepping up to the plate to train Gohan during Goku’s absence. If Goku’s death were permanent rather than temporary, this arrangement would have only become more intense, and Gohan would permanently be Piccolo’s pupil. The alternative is that Chi-Chi asserts her dominance, and Gohan gets completely removed from combat, and Piccolo never gets close to him

Vegeta Becomes The First Super Saiyan

Super Saiyan transformations have become a routine rite of passage in Dragon Ball, but Goku kicks off the trend during his climactic battle against Frieza. The fact that Goku achieves Super Saiyan status first becomes a major catalyst for Vegeta’s character. With Goku gone, Vegeta would likely have been the one to surpass his limits and achieve the milestone. This also means that Vegeta would have most likely been the one to eliminate Frieza, regardless of whether that’s where he becomes a Super Saiyan for the first time.

Goten Would have never been born

The Dragon Ball series chart Goku’s growth from a child into an adult and the birth of Goku’s

 family and the next generation of warriors that will follow in his footsteps. Gohan is already

 born at Dragon Ball Z when Goku passes away for the first time

However, Goku’s second child, Goten, appears much later in the series. This means that

 Goten would never be born if Goku doesn’t return, which doesn’t just result in one less

 Saiyan, but it removes Trunks’ most reliable sparring and fusion partner.

Fusion Might Not Be Introduced

The Dragon Ball franchise devises some clever ways for its characters to tap into new reservoirs of power, such as the advent of fusion. Fusion becomes a necessity during Buu’s invasion, and while Trunks and Goten perfect the fusion dance, it’s Goku and Vegeta that are looked at as ideal Potara Earring subjects. Much of the novelty here is also in these two rivals sharing a body, and if Goku isn’t available, then there’s a lot less appeal in Vegeta fusing with Gohan or Piccolo. Without this on the table, the entire fusion concept may get shelved.

Vegeta Never becomes Majin

One big way Dragon Ball Z’s Buu Saga attempts to conjure the magic from the anime’s early days is when it pits Goku and Vegeta against each other one last time. Vegeta’s insecurities get the better of him, and it leads to him taking Babidi’s Majin shortcut. If Goku isn’t alive, then Vegeta isn’t so obsessed with besting him. Vegeta has no reason to receive such a power boost, which would also have serious side effects since Vegeta’s Majin infection causes him to achieve Super Saiyan 2 status and also sacrifice himself.

Uub Possibly wouldn't Exist

A huge plot thread introduced towards the end of Dragon Ball Z is that a new warrior, Uub, is born. Goku leaves to train Uub, but the only reason that Uub comes into existence is that King Enma hears Goku’s wish for Buu’s evil to get reincarnated as good.

If Goku isn’t present to foster these feelings, all of Buu’s evil energy likely dies with him, and it doesn’t get repurposed. Uub is a pivotal figure in both Dragon Ball Super and Dragon Ball GT, so his erasure would have serious consequences.

Future Trunks Mission Changes

The stakes get raised in considerable ways when Future Trunks gets introduced and brings with him the news of the devastating Android attacks in the future. Future Trunks helps the heroes properly prepare for Cell, but a major reason he travels through time is to give Goku an antidote for a rare heart condition that takes him out of commission. Goku never succumbs to heart failure if he’s still dead from the battle with Raditz. This means that Future Trunks’ mission changes in big ways, like how he may arrive earlier, or perhaps not at all.

Gohan Takes Out Buu

Dragon Ball is creative and exhibits variety in many ways, but Goku gets the honor of taking out the big enemy. Goku gets the final glory against Dragon Ball Z’s final villain, Buu, a fitting conclusion. That being said, Gohan initially plans to usurp his father’s hero role, which would have gotten to pass if Goku remained in the afterlife. Big events, such as Gohan’s Ultimate upgrade, could serve a much greater purpose if they led to Buu’s defeat.

Instant Transmission Stayed Out Of Picture

Dragon Ball excels with an eclectic arsenal of attacks, some of which are shared by multiple characters. Some techniques are much rarer and exclusive to specific characters. Goku's crucial move between the Frieza and Cell Sagas is the transportation ability, Instant Transmission. If Goku isn’t around to visit Yardrat, likely, this ability goes completely overlooked. This might even result in greater casualties since Instant Transmission plays a vital role in minimizing Cell’s self-destruct measure's casualties.

Goku Becomes Partner With Pikkon

Dragon Ball would be different if Goku remained dead, but that doesn’t mean that he’d have to vanish. Dragon Ball has built an expansive afterlife, which could serve a greater purpose if it were to become Goku’s permanent residence. The Other World Tournament is technically filler, but it’s still set during Goku’s deceased period. This tournament introduces a fan-favorite character, Pikkon, who could have become a permanent fixture to Goku’s team if the afterlife became his new home. Goku’s time on the other side usually has him stressing over his return, but this would be a fun change of pace.

Fusion Dance Would Not Be Introduced

Fusion Dance (フュージョン, FuyÅ«jon) is a technique that is introduced
 by Goku during the Fusion Saga, having learned the technique

 from Metamorans in Other World. His son, Goten, fuses with Trunks in order to create Gotenks. The purpose of the Fusion Dance is to temporarily merge two
 bodies into a single, superior entity.But If Goku Was Not Alive The Fusion Dance Would Never Be Introduced In Dragon Ball.

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